• Slide 1
    Smart-QR Codes: The Next Generation of
    QR Technology
  • Slide 2
    Make a unique QR code! Increase the number of scans!
    With the rapid development of mobile technology, more and more
    QR codes are being utilized by nearly every industry. The unique
    S-QR code generator module provides an option to turn a
    traditional black and white square-shaped QR code
    into an eye-catching graphic QR code, which can
    also function as a unique corporation.
  • Slide 3
    Innovative Technology.
    Exceptional Results.
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Überall QR Codes – aber wofür benutzt man sie?

Der QR (quick response) Code ist ein zweidimensionaler Streifenkode, der durch Hilfe eines kostenlosen Programms mit jedem Smartphone gelesen werden kann. Er stellt eine Verbindung zwischen einem bestimmten Produkt oder einer Dienstleistung und den im Online erreichbaren Informationen her. Mit seiner Hilfe wird die Information, die wir mit anderen teilen möchten ohne Herumsuchen sofort nach der Einlesung erreichbar. Wie das der englische Begriff auch schon sagt, können wir denjenigen, den unser Code erreicht, zu schneller Handlung veranlassen. Seine einfache Handhabung macht ihn immer beliebter, heute wird er von den verschiedensten Unternehmen angewendet, QR Codes kommen in zahlreichen Gebieten des Lebens vor. Sein Vorteil ist, dass wir die zu vermittelnden Informationen einfach übergeben können, ohne Eintragen der Adressen von Webseiten, Eintippen von Telefonnummern, es reicht einfach aus, den Code durch ein kostenloses QR-Scannerprogramm einzulesen und prompt bekommen wir die benötigten Daten und Informationen. Kosteneffektiv und einfach zu applizieren bei jeder Oberfläche. (Plakate, Flyer, Produktverpackung, Visitenkarte, Vorteilskarte, usw.)

Cost-Effective Marketing Solution

Allowing unlimited content modifications through a user-friendly interface without needing to change the actual code is hugely beneficial and opens the door to countless content opportunities. Since there is no need to print new materials to change the online content the code refers to (e.g. daily deals, offers, real-time updates, etc.), you can react to changes in the course of your campaign and deliver a range of content.


By visually engaging consumers with a colorful, eye-catching, custom-designed codes, Smart-QR improves advertisement impact and brand awareness by encouraging consumer code interaction. Using your logo and colors in the codes’profile elements is an excellent tool to strengthen your brand identity, reinforce favorability and consumer confidence.

The Smart-QR Code Difference

Unlike a standard QR Code, the Smart-QR Code enables you to change or update the online content connected to a single QR Code. The Smart-QR Code system is a game-changing feature for online and offline marketing—helping brands and businesses connect consumers with up-to-date information in a cost effective way. The unique Smart QR system lets you change the online content periodically and in any way you wish while leaving the printed code unchanged on your fliers, publications, billboards, etc.


A primary challenge for marketing campaigns is the difficulty in measuring the effectiveness of the campaign investment. Our Smart-QR code integrated analytical system offers a solution to tracking and calculating that ROI. By monitoring code scan activity and feedback, businesses are able to respond to consumer behavior and modify their campaign to improve code engagement. You can also export your code tracking data from our system to reference and utilize for future marketing initiatives-providing extremely valuable consumer insight.

S-QR Systemnutzung nach Land

basierend auf den Daten von letzter Woche

Efficient mobile optimized minisites

Increase the effectiveness of your advertising campaign by taking advantage of the Smart-QR’s site-building system optimized for mobile devices. Using our mobile optimized mini site building system, you can easily generate mini, content destinations for your campaign-making it even more unique and contextually relevant. Mini sites are a great way to keep consumers engaged by seamlessly directing them to your individual deals and offers. The mini-sites can be personalized or edited at any time. Using your S-QR code you can simultaneously move your customers and visitors among your mini sites, increasing the scope and success of your campaign.

Let's get started!

Gain invaluable insight on your target market

They're here
Ever wonder if your advertising and marketing is effective? How many people really saw that expensive ad page you ran, viewed a flyer or read a marketing booklet? Wouldn’t it be helpful is you could justify and track your ROI when it comes to a marketing budget? Or figure out exactly where your clients can be reached? With the Smart-QR tracking and analytics system, you can now see exactly where your target market is and the best plaeorm, geographical location and advertising medium to use to effectively reach them and drive sales.
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